Around 150 funded musicians and music projects in Berlin are supported by the Musicboard annually through its Scholarships and Residencies, Support Tour Funding as well as the funding programmes Karrieresprungbrett Berlin, Pop im Kiez and Festival Funding. You can view all of the projects funded thus far by Musicboard Berlin here.
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Malakoff Kowalski (Photo: Pepper Levain)

Malakoff Kowalski

Malakoff Kowalski is a German-American-Persian singer, musician, composer, and producer. After having been active with his band Jansen & Kowalski, …

Bernadette La Hengst (Foto: Christiane Stephan)

Bernadette La Hengst

Berlin based Bernadette La Hengst is an electro-pop musician and singer-songwriter with a passion for political and social issues and …

Ziúr (Foto: Lisanne Schulze)


Ziúr is a Berlin-based DJ and producer, dedicated to combining different sonic textures and brainy beats into a functional dancefloor …

Die Höchste Eisenbahn

Die Höchste Eisenbahn

The quartet Die Höchste Eisenbahn, consisting of Moritz Krämer, Francesco Wilking, Felix Weigt and Max Schröder, dominates the art of …