The self-taught dj, vocalist and producer, also known as co-founder of RAIDERS Records, only started their music career three years ago. A footwork addict known for their very diverse sets with no genre limits as well as their broad range of productions, from R’n’B to Punk, jpeg constantly transforms. Since they grew up in Berlin, club culture is deeply rooted in their system. Whether they produce, perform or organise parties – their focus is always to dismantle white, cis heteronormative dominant cultural structures. They give courses on DJing and performance for FLINTA* through FBM, hosted a floor with their collective at CTM Liminal and released with Labels such as Index:Records, International Chrome, Yellow Island and Tooflez. is awarded the 2022 Tandem Residency in Kampala, Uganda and Berlin, Germany, under which collaborates with Kampala-based KABEAUSHÉ.