Cultural Funding in Berlin

Senate Department for Culture and Community
The Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Community supports the international cultural scene of the state of Berlin through the promotion of artists as well as artistically valuable, diverse and innovative projects.

District Culture Fund
The District Culture Fund is administered by the cultural offices of Berlin's various districts. It aims to benefit cultural projects in the respective parts of the city.

Initiative Musik
As the federal government's central funding institution for the music industry in Germany, Initiative Musik supports musicians, music makers and infrastructures with a particular focus on popular music.

Musikfonds was created with funds from the State Ministry for Culture and Media. The funding association aims to promote outstanding, non-commercial projects of all current music genres.

Music Moves Europe
Music Moves Europe is the overarching framework for the EU Commission's initiatives and actions to support the European music industry. It is a key element of the EU's promotion of musical diversity and musical talent.

Creative Europe
The cultural sub-programme of the European funding programme Creative Europe serves to promote cross-disciplinary project funding for cooperation projects, networks and platforms in Europe.
Other Funding Opportunities

Amadeu Antonio Stiftung
The Amadeu Antonio Foundation supports small projects and initiatives that work towards a democratic civil society, with an emphasis on the protection of minorities and fighting all forms of racism.

As part of its outreach work in the international cultural field, the Goethe-Institut supports international co-productions as well as musicians and ensembles, whether through travel grants or the sponsorship of residencies.