COVID-19: Current Information on Open Calls

Until further notice, you can submit your applications for funding online. However, due to COVID-19, it is currently still open whether and when funding decisions will be made.

Organizers of Musicboard-funded projects, that are intended to be realized within 2020 and are affected by COVID-19, are recommended to take into account the current guidelines for funded projects published by the Berlin Senate.

Further helpful links and information for artists, organizers and creatives:

  • Creative City Berlin for artists and self-employed:
    Important information on compensation payments, short-time work, suspension of tax payments and more
  • VUT for the music industry:
    Information on the demand for a relief fund of 3.9 billion euros and a hardship provision for small entrepreneurs and self-employed persons in order to moderate the severe consequences of the present event bans
  • for small businesses and freelancers:
    Platform for direct assistance for those who have been financially affected by COVID-19 (e.g. through crowdunding, petitions, online actions and general exchange)
  • LiveKomm for club owners::
    Recommendations for club operators to prevent club insolvency (including information on short-time work compensation, taxes, etc.)
  • GVL for freelancers:
    Information for GVL beneficiaries on applying for a social allowance of 250 euros
  • KSK for members of the German Artists’ social ensurance:
    Request for reduction of income due to financial cutbacks
  • GEMA for members of GEMA:
    Information on the two emergency assistance programs ›Schutzschirm Live‹ and ›Corona-Hilfsfonds‹ for GEMA members whose existence is threatened through the current pandemic crisis
  • ver.di for independent entrepreneurs (›Soloselbstständige‹):
    FAQ for independent entrepreneurs with explanations on current and planned assistances, legal frameworks and options for action