Call for Concepts: Support Tour Funding 2022

Musicboard is pleased to inform you that the Support Tour Funding programme will resume after being on hold for almost two years due to the ongoing pandemic. The online application form has just been activated.

As of now and until November 30, 2022 up-and-coming Berlin pop musicians can apply for funding in order to go on national or international tour with a more established act. To be on tour with a headlining act for a longer period, generally exceeds the financial budget of younger bands. This is where the Support Tour Funding comes in, enabling the support act to expand its audience and gain live experiences.


With the resumption, some changes for the funding programme will come into effect in 2022. Unlike in the past, the Support Tour Funding will be awarded as a purpose-specific scholarship from 2022 onwards. In addition, the maximum amount that can be applied for per tour and per applicant artist or band will increase to 4,000 euros per year. However, the funding cannot be delivered as a lump sum, instead the granted amount must be linked to actual expenses. The individual expenses can be easily listed in Musicboard’s new application tool. When submitting your application, please pay particular attention to the adapted, necessary application documents. Incoming applications are constantly reviewed.

We have collected frequently asked questions about the application process for the Support Tour Funding programme for you here on our website.


We are happy to welcome Anna Groß (Artist and event manager, label operator SPRINGSTOFF GmbH) as a new member of the Support Tour Funding jury. We would like to thank the parting jury member Andrea Wünsche for the good and constructive work over the past years. Sebastian Hoffmann (Programme Director and organiser, consultant touring artists), appointed to the jury in 2020, and Katja Lucker (Managing Director of Musicboard Berlin GmbH) will continue to be part of the jury. Short information about the current jury can be found here.

All information and documents on the funding programme can be found here.

Call for Concepts