#barrierefreiPosten is a pool for knowledge and opinions on the topic of online accessibility. This emerging initiative has gathered experts with the goal of enabling a more accessible culture surrounding smartphones and social media. In addition to holding workshops and panels, #barrierefreiPosten provides tips on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (in German).

A greener Fête de la Musique
The Fête de la Musique committed itself to being a pioneer in the implementation of local, national and international climate goals. The result of this »Greener Fête« programme is, among other things, a guide (in German) for event managers showing that, when it comes to Fête de la Musique, climate protection and fun are not mutually exclusive.

A Safety Guide for Artists
The Safety Guide for Artists by the artists at Risk Connection compiles useful information for creatives and cultural workers in a global context. The information gathered in the guide in English, Spanish and French ranges from risk identification, online safety and trauma recovery to contacts for professional support for artists at risk.

Berufsverband der Gebärdensprachdolmetscher:innen Berlin-Brandenburg
As an association of regional sign language interpreters, the BGBB provides German Sign Language interpreters to interested parties. The database on the association's website makes it possible to find and request available interpreters for the given project being planned.

BIK für Alle
Funded from 2015 to 2018 by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, BIK für Alle (›BIK for All‹) has the goal of publicizing the advantages of a barrier-free web and of assessing web sites and services. As always, BIK für Alle offers courses and expert advice for those interested in making websites more accessible, or perhaps for sub-titling videos.

Diversity Arts Culture
Not all terms used in diversity development are simple or familiar to everyone. Diversity-oriented language is dynamic. It introduces new words while others are questioned and reinterpreted. The dictionary of Diversity Arts Culture, the Berlin project office for diversity development, tries to offer orientation in the context of diversity-oriented language use.

DIY Access Guide
Attitude is Everything is a London-based charity that advocates for accessibility and the inclusion of people with disabilities in everyday life. Their DIY Access Guide is one of many ready-to-use, English language brochures that can be used by promoters, artists and bands to make a gig as accessible as possible.

Einfach Machen!
What can those in the cultural sector do to make public events more environmentally sustainable? The Federal Cultural Foundation has produced a guide (in German) for that purpose. It offers practical advice on realising projects, and provides momentum for helping interested organisations address environmental issues.

Green Touring Guide
The Green Touring Network has taken on the task of helping the music industry become more environmentally sustainable. The Green Touring Guide is addressed to musicians, agents, tour managers, promoters, booking agencies and venues, and serves as a useful handbook for environmentally conscious touring.

K Produktion
The sooner that accessibility is included in event planning, the easier it is to implement. Together with the Bundeskompetenzzentrum Barriererefreheit (›Federal Centre of Competence for Barrier-Free Accessibility‹), K Produktion provides event organisers with a handout and checklist (in German) for accessible events.

Kultur Digital Barrierefrei
Kultur Digital Barrierefrei (›Digital Barrier-Free Culture‹) is a joint initiative of Handiclapped-Kultur Barrierefrei e. V. and the federal association MusicTech Germany. With the goal of making participation in cultural events possible, it develops and informs initiatives for digital tools on an open-source basis, leading to a more inclusive cultural landscape.

Guides to Berlin’s Independent Arts Community
As part of a collaboration between the Performing Arts Programme of the LAFT Berlin and advisory structures, so called Lotsinnen (›pilots‹) have created a guide for artists and creative workers recently arrived in Berlin from Arabic, Asian, Francophone, Polish, Turkish and Russian-speaking areas. The guide provides, in each of these languages, information about advisory services and networks for freelance artists in Berlin.

The website netz-barrierfrei is unique for its digital accessibility. In addition to providing information in podcast form for participants, it offers useful tutorials (in German) for writing alternative code and for quickly testing one’s own website for its degree of accessibility. seeks to establish societal diversity and participation on the stage and in the audience ranks at performances. In addition to providing advice in performance planning, offers general tips and checklists for barrier-free performances, a diverse range of programme planning and a more inclusive communication.