Allocation of Funding: 1st Funding Round 2021

Musicboard is pleased to support 43 innovative and diverse projects with a total volume of  671,566.00 euros in the first funding round for 2021.

A total of 121 applications had been submitted within the first application period in 2021 for the funding programs Festival Funding, Karrieresprungbrett Berlin and Pop im Kiez. Once again, the jury attached great importance to projects that reflect the social and cultural diversity of Berlin’s music scene. In particular, applications were considered that are dedicated to the promotion of women* and BIPOC in pop culture and the strengthening of the LGBTQI+ scene, as well as those that focus on accessibility and inclusion. It is in the interest of Musicboard to support projects that perform important work in the area of promoting young talent in Berlin and enrich the scene with innovative ideas. Musicboard promotes projects that reflect the diversity of the city but would not be feasible without financial support.

As in previous years, Musicboard will cover the administrative costs incurred by GSE − Gesellschaft für Stadtentwicklung for the operation of the Rockhaus from the funding budget in 2021 in order to secure rehearsal rooms for Berlin musicians in the long term.



41 applications had been submitted for the Festival Funding program. The total volume of all applications amounted to 1,358,172.00 euros, with 356,572.00 euros being awarded for 17 projects.

Institution/Applicant Project Title
Al-Berlin GbR AL.Festival.2021 25.000,00
Alexander Meurer Speicher V (2021) – Festival für ortsspezifische Musik 18.000,00
Audiolith International GmbH Rap am Ostkreuz 14.582,00
Avia Shoshani / Kristine Bogan 15 Minutes Of Femme 20.000,00
Feline Lang Steamball 15.000,00
Freak de l’Afrique – Aziz Sarr AYO City Festival 30.000,00
George Patrick Refuge Worldwide Festival 2021: Regenerate 20.000,00
KILLEKILL UG Krake Festival 2021 – World Wide Web Edition 20.000,00
Kollegen 2,3 – Bureau für Kulturangelegenheiten Das Festival für selbstgebaute Musik 2021 19.000,00
Melissa Kolukisagil İç İçe – Festival für neue anatolische Musik 25.000,00
Nicolas Nowak SOUND(ING) SYSTEMS 36.694,00
NoiseDownstairs-Kollektiv Borsig Amp Fest 7.000,00
Sam Eyvazziaei Future East 30.800,00
Seyedbehrooz Moosavidogahe Tehran Contemporary Sounds Festival 2021 20.000,00
Stephan Wittrin BASSQUAKE FESTIVAL 15.796,00
Talía Vega León Radical Sounds Latin America 19.700,00
Tubari UG African Food Festival 20.000,00



For the program Karrieresprungbrett Berlin 42 applications were submitted. The total volume of all applications amounted to 1,244,447.00 euros, with 203,994.00 euros being awarded to 15 projects.

Institution/Applicant Project Title
Amaranta Sánchez / SoundSysters Kollektiv. SoundSystersStrength 2021. 10.000,00
Berlin Music Commission eG musicBwomen 10.000,00
Celia Stroom-Ragueneau The Weave – A Tapestry of Intimate Testimonies from Womxn Worldwide 4.997,00
Eilis Frawley Bang On Sundays 15.000,00
Good Day Berlin Kultur und Veranstaltungen GmbH Don’t forget about us 20.000,00
Ivy Rossiter Éclat Crew Berlin 10.000,00
Killekill UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Ick Mach Welle – Inklusion auf der Bühne 20.000,00
Lehner & Friese GbR Selected 15.000,00
Murat Sezgi POSTKLUB.FM 25.000,00
Ran Huber BERLINTOUCH 2021 20.000,00
Sandra Grether, Bohemian Strawberry Records Ich Brauche Eine Genie – Popkultur, Feminismus, Spaß und so 10.000,00
Sonic Curiosities Collective Sonic Curiosities VI | Workshop and Performance 4.997,00
Stephanie von Beauvais Musikvideo-Workshop Shoot it yourself 14.000,00
WickedWork UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Future of Music Meetup 15.000,00
ZMF Event GmbH / Jan Henschen Newcomer Day at Baergarden (Revier Südost | Griessmuehle) 10.000,00



38 applications were submitted for the Pop im Kiez funding program. The total volume of all applications amounted to 979,816.00 euros, with 111,000.00 euros being awarded to 11 projects.

Institution/Applicant Project Title
Artistania e.V. / Claire Chaulet TRANSCULTURE EXPRESS – The Artistania Podcast for queer and postcolonial music perspectives in our hood 5.000,00
ausland / projekt archiv e.V. pop im ausland 15.000,00
Choriner Straßenfest e.V. 25. Choriner Straßenfest 5.000,00
Culture on a Budget UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Creamcake: Paradise Lost 10.000,00
Dunckerstrassenfest e.V. 10. Dunckerstrassenfest 2021 8.000,00
Jessica Korp Sonic In(ter)ventions 15.000,00
Joseph Hansis Picnic FM 8.000,00
Kult. Verein für Jugendkultur e.V. Supa Star Showcase 10.000,00
Marcus Weiser Kultur am Dorfplatz 15.000,00
Olajumoke Adeyanju Omonga The Poetry Meets Series 10.000,00
 silent green Film Feld Forschung gGmbH M_Dokumente 10.000,00



The jury for project funding was newly appointed with the start of the 1st funding round for 2021. While Christoph Reimann – radio journalist Deutschlandfunk, Deutschlandfunk Kultur and ByteFM, Dahlia Borsche – musicologist and curator, Esra Karakaya – journalist and video producer, Gregor Hotz – managing director of Musikfonds e.V., as well as Judyta Smykowski – journalist Die Neue Norm and taz, are new members of the jury, Vivian Perkovic, journalist and presenter is retaining her position in the jury.

The jury remarks: »Many cultural workers are threatened in their existence. But instead of despairing, they have developed new, forward-looking projects that will make Berlin’s cultural life more equal, diverse and exciting. While we were impressed by the amount of excellent applications, they have also prooved that pop needs funding – more than the three funding programs can currently provide.«


Press Release: