Berlin Brass Festival is annually blasting its way into the streets, plazas and parks of the city – brassy, colorful, loud, accessible, for everyone, for free. Besides professional international brass bands amateurs, children and teenagers are playing on countless open-air stages, offering an integrative and participatory event across four days. The central focus is the live, direct experience of modernly interpreted brass music. While Ticvaniu Mare, Always Drinking Marching Band and Trombone Vibration were involved in the first edition of the festival, performances by Duke Brass and German Trombone Vibration, among others were to be experienced in 2019. Despite the crisis, the Berlin Brass Festival entered its third round as an open, creative and integrative event with a range of mobile formats in 2020. Events like the participatory »Online Shuffle-Brass-Band« were organised online for communal music-making on the occasion of this year‘s Fête de la Haus-Musique. Furthermore, the »Berlin Brass Bus« brought the live experience of newly interpreted and brass music directly to five neighborhoods in Berlin for five days: brassy, free, colourful, loud, accessible, with distancing – and for everyone. Taking part in the musical bus trip were Beat n Blow, German Trombone Vibration, Brass Appeal, Di Grine Kuzine, 4 Jacksons, Berlin Brass Connection, Schnaftl Ufftschik and The Ruffians.