During the fall of 2018, after moving to Germany, Aron Ottignon meets Senegalese musician and percussionist Bakane Seck in his Berlin studio. From this first encounter, a special connection develops, both humanly and musically, marking the beginning of an ongoing, intense collaboration. Together, Aron Ottignon and Bakane Seck open an instrumental conversation of profound simplicity, nourished by the richness of jazz, electronic music and the Wolof tradition. Simultaneously reflecting their origins and individual experiences outside their native lands, Ottignon and Seck grow together music-wise. For their first album, the two musicians collaborate with the famous singers Sidi Diop, Pape Diouf, Toufa Mbaye and Baaba Maal.
In November 2022 Aron & The Jeri Jeri Band were on tour with Pape Diouf and therefore received Musicboard’s Support Tour Funding.