Musicboard-Berlin > About us > Advisory board


The advisory board serves to advise and share ideas on Musicboard Berlin GmbH’s funding programmes and thematic priorities. Board members from various disciplines are appointed for two years on behalf of the State of Berlin.


Christine Scherer
Pfefferwerk AG
At the suggestion of the Berlin Music Commission eG

Helge Jürgens
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH

Jörg Heidemann
VUT – Verband unabhängiger Musikunternehmer:innen e. V.

Julia Krüger
Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH

Kai Sachse
Clubcommission Berlin e. V.
At the suggestion of the Clubcommission Berlin e. V.

Luanny Tiago da Conceição
Berlin Music Commission eG
At the suggestion of the Berlin Music Commission eG

Marc Wohlrabe
LiveMusikKommission e.V.

Marcel Weber
Clubcommission Berlin e. V.
At the suggestion of the Clubcommission Berlin e. V.

Melissa Kolukisagil
Clubcommission Berlin e. V.
At the suggestion of the Clubcommission Berlin e. V.

Melissa Perales
Music Pool Berlin, all2gethernow e. V.

Nima Ramezani
Diversity Arts Culture, Stiftung für Kulturelle Weiterbildung und Kulturberatung

Olaf Kretschmar
Berlin Music Commission eG
At the suggestion of the Berlin Music Commission eG

Sarah Manz
Kulturraum Berlin gGmbH

Guests of the Advisory Board

Claudia Schurz
Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion

Diana Bach
Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion

Michelle Stekowski
Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing

Nadja Clarus
Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Businesses