Next Application Deadline 17 March 2025, 6:00 p.m.

Maureen Noe
T +49 (0)30 221 84 89 88

1 Purpose of Funding

Musicboard Berlin’s scholarships fund Berlin pop musicians and bands that stand out by virtue of their creative achievements, and that wish to advance artistically and professionally by means of a time-limited musical initiative. This funding is intended especially to acknowledge up-and-coming talents and the innovative strength of Berlin musicians in the pop music sector.

The Musicboard scholarships are awarded in combination with the PLUS mentoring and coaching programme. In addition to the financial support provided by the scholarship, the PLUS scholarship, developed in cooperation with Music Pool Berlin, offers all selected musicians to receive individual coaching and mentoring to support them over several months in their funded project and the development of their career. Community events also create opportunities for collaboration, knowledge exchange and lasting connections between the musicians.

2 Conditions

The Scholarship programme exclusively supports:

  • musicians and bands living and working in Berlin, who are officially registered with their primary residence in Berlin at the time of application and for the entire duration of the scholarship. In the case of bands, the majority of the band members should live and work in Berlin.
  • musicians that have their own musical material and work professionally. The scholarships are awarded primarily on the basis of the quality of artistic work, the chances of success and the conclusiveness of the proposed project in relation to the artistic and professional development of the artist or band.
  • Musicians from all genres of pop music. With the term »pop music« Musicboard refers to all genres of popular music as well as cross-genre or experimental pop music that cannot be clearly assigned to the categories of jazz or classical and new music.

Musicians who are citizens of a non-EU country can only apply if their passport contains a note from the Berlin Immigration Office authorising them to work freelance.

Not eligible for funding are:

  • artists and bands that are concurrently funded with a scholarship from the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion
  • members of the jury or employees of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion of Berlin or Musicboard Berlin GmbH and their dependents

3 Application

The following information and documents must be supplied, in German or in English, using exclusively the digital application tool that can be accessed via the button at the end of this page. The application form contains, among other things:

  • general information about the artist or band
  • project proposal
    presentation and justification of the planned artistic project and the professional goals within the framework of the scholarship, as well as a description of the project partners, target groups, and promotion and marketing activities
  • artistic profile
    artistic resume and press information including a list of artistic milestones such as shows, productions, releases, collaborations, awards and grants
  • Scholarship PLUS
    description of the motivation for participating in the Scholarship PLUS mentoring and coaching programme
  • specification of costs
    towards which the funding will be applied
  • information on own funds, third-party funds, and other public funding
  • three music samples
    to be uploaded as mp3s
  • scans of certificate of registration or personal ID (front and back)
    indicating Berlin as place of residence. For bands, the registration certificate of the applicant band member is sufficient.
  • for non-EU citizens: Scan of passport and residence permit
    including supplemental documentation of residence permit indicating duration of stay and authorised self-employment. For bands, the document of the applicant band member is sufficient.
  • statistical information

A sample view of the online application form is linked under Forms and templates. Applications can be saved and continued at a later date. Only fully completed documents can be considered. All applications will be handled confidentially and used exclusively for decision-making and funding purposes. Publication of certain relevant details is granted by the applicant as part of the application process.

4 Selection Procedure

The scholarships are awarded through Musicboard Berlin GmbH upon recommendation of an independent jury of Berlin-based pop experts and in consultation with the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. Jury members are usually appointed for a period of three years. The following jury is appointed to the scholarships and residencies programmes in 2025:

  • Aida Baghernejad
    cultural journalist
  • Ebru »Ebow« Düzgün
    artist, label owner, manager and event organiser
  • Ji-Hun Kim
    editor-in-chief Das Filter, freelance lecturer, DJ and music producer
  • Misla Tesfamariam
    artist manager, label owner
  • Peer Steinwald
    Senior Director Creative Services Germany at Budde Music
  • Yeşim Duman
    curator, moderator, DJ

A short description of the jury members is available here.

5 Frequently Asked Questions

Here we have collected some frequently asked questions about Musicboard’s scholarships. This information is intended for general advice, is not legally binding, and does not replace consideration of each individual case. We will gladly answer further, detailed questions on the funding programme by phone or by email. Please read the FAQs and other explanatory notes on this website carefully before contacting us. We also recommend the free services of the Kulturförderberatung by Kreativ Kultur Berlin, which supports artists in all disciplines in their search for possible funding, can offer tips for preparing applications and can review applications.

For what purpose can I apply to Musicboard Berlin for a scholarship?
Musicboard’s scholarships promote Berlin musicians and pop music bands by helping them to realise an initiative they have set for themselves. The scholarships support individual artistic development and careers, which is why in general, every project can be submitted that promotes artistic and professional growth. This might include album and video productions, promotion and marketing initiatives, paid intervals for songwriting, the development of artistic collaborations and co-ventures, the realisation of promotional gigs, the purchase of instruments. The coverage for living expenses during the project time frame is also eligible for funding, when work on the project results in lost income. Please note: The project must take place in the year of funding. For pure touring projects, we refer applicants to the Musicboard’s Support Tour Funding programme (funding for support acts) and the Initiative Musik’s international tour funding programme (funding for main acts).
What amount can I apply for?
The amount of a Musicboard scholarship can vary by decision of the jury depending on the application and the volume of applications received. Musicboard recommends an application for funding in the range of 5,000 to 10,000 euros. The project scholarship cannot be delivered as a lump sum, instead the granted amount must be linked to actual expenses. The individual expenses can be easily listed in the online application form. In the case of an interesting application for which the requested funding is too high, the jury typically does not deny funding but instead awards the amount that is available.
I have just submitted another application to Musicboard. Can I still apply for a scholarship?
In general, it is possible for musicians to be funded repeatedly and in successive periods. Likewise, it is possible in a single round to apply for one or more residencies and a scholarship, although each must be applied for separately. The jury will evaluate all applications and, due to the high volume of applications, will generally recommend either a scholarship or a residency.
What is meant by »living and working in Berlin«?
In the Scholarship programme, Musicboard funds exclusively musicians and bands who live and work in Berlin. In the case of bands, that means that the majority of band members live in Berlin and make their livelihood here. Residency and creative focus must be verified with residence permits or personal ID (front and back), and for bands with the residence permit or personal ID (front and back) of the applicant band member. In both cases, the nationality of the musician is irrelevant to the funding decision. Anyhow, for non-EU citizens filing an application, it is necessary in addition to the Berlin residence certificate to provide a passport that includes residence permit, duration of stay, and type of work permit. Please note that Berlin residence must be officially verified. Rent contracts etc. are not sufficient for proof of residence. We kindly ask you to refrain from submitting such documents containing sensitive personal data.
What should I pay attention to when describing the project and my artistic profile?
In the application form, applicants should explain, why they are applying for a project scholarship and what artistic initiative they would like to undertake in the context of the scholarship. They should also formulate specific and measurable goals that can be achieved through the scholarship. In addition, information on project partners, which can increase the chances of a project’s success, should be included as well as further information on the target group and planned promotion and marketing activities in order to explain who is to be reached by the project and through which measures (e.g. in terms of audience, business partners, markets). In the section for the artistic profile, applicants can describe their artistic career in block text. Furthermore, we also ask for milestones in your artistic career in the form of a keyword bulleted list of performances, concerts, productions, releases, collaborations, awards and prizes. You are also welcome to voluntarily provide information about your social position here (e.g. self-description, gender, disability, age, sexual identity) if it plays a role in your artistic identity and your work and you would like the jury to be aware of it. The application texts may be written simply. Above all, they should contain all essential information.
Are the scholarships accessible?
We want to make our programmes accessible to everyone and as inclusive as possible. In the application, you can provide information on your accessibility needs in the »Accessibility« text field so that these can be taken into account. If you have any further questions about accessibility, please contact Maureen Noe for a personal consultation before submitting your application:
Can I receive a scholarship without taking part in the PLUS mentoring and coaching programme?
Yes, this is possible. Participation in the mentoring and coaching programme is optional, but recommended. Participation can be declined in the application.
Can I only take part in the PLUS mentoring and coaching programme without receiving a scholarship?
At the moment, the programme in 2025 is only accessible in conjunction with receiving a scholarship. Depending on the financial situation and the funds available in spring, spots could also be awarded to applicants who have not received a scholarship. Applications for the PLUS mentoring and coaching programme are made exclusively via the scholarship application.
How should my cost estimate look? What are own and third-party funds?
The cost estimate involves a simple listing of project-related expenditures during the time-frame of the project. Expenditures can be for studio rent, production costs, a video team, editing personnel, equipment, cost of living or travel. The individual expenses can be easily listed in the online application form. If single budget items are not yet exactly determined at the time of application, realistic estimates are sufficient. A separate financial plan is not required. For intensive projects, it can be reasonable to contribute own and third-party funds. Own funds are the expenditure of one’s own money (savings, or advance payments from a label) towards an artistic project. Third-party funds are grants from other funding organisations or foundations. For the funding application, neither own nor third-party funds are obligatory.
What songs can I submit as music samples? Are demos acceptable?
The music samples should be three songs that represent you and your art. They need not be the newest songs, or the ones that you want to work on during your project. Demos can be submitted. Depending on their quality, it may be wise to provide in addition one or two fully produced works.
When exactly is the application deadline?
The application deadline for the scholarships is 17 March 2025 at 6 p.m. Until then, applications can be received online and will be posted as received before the deadline. The application is successfully received as soon as it appears in your user profile in the »Submitted Applications« section. We recommend allowing plenty of time for the application and its attachments to upload, and not waiting until the last minute to apply. The upload speed of our servers can decline with increased traffic to the site. When uploading, the correct format and maximum file size must be observed. If technical problems arise, please make a screenshot, save the application draft and inform us by email at:
What are the selection criteria of the jury?
The jury makes its recommendations primarily on the basis of the quality of artistic work to date, the chances of success and the conclusiveness of the proposed project in relation to the artistic and professional development of the artist or band. A particular focus of the jury is the music samples provided. Funding decisions are made with a view toward building the diversity of Berlin’s music scene. Musicboard and the appointed jury place great value on diversity, inclusion and gender balance.
When will I be informed of the funding decision?
The jury’s decision follows the application deadline by 6 to 8 weeks, and applicants are informed by email. Acceptances and declines are sent at the same time. Usually, more applications are received than can be funded, and Musicboard is not obliged to explain its decision. There is no legal entitlement to funding.
I have received approval for a scholarship – what’s next?
After approval of funding, you will receive a scholarship contract. If in the meantime you have moved, Musicboard must be informed immediately. The scholarship contract must be signed by the recipient, accompanied by bank account details, and it must be returned to Musicboard. Once all documents are received by Musicboard, the scholarship will be turned over to the recipient. If you wish to receive the money later in the year of funding, please inform Musicboard. It is not possible to deliver the funds after December 31. The monies must be used within the year of funding. If you wish to make changes in your project, that is possible as long as the scholarship, as always, is exclusively used for artistic purposes and for the continued development of the musician or band. Musicboard’s scholarship is purpose-specific – for questions about the taxation of scholarships, the website of touring artists may be helpful.
What do I need to consider in my PR in regards to the scholarship?
Our contractual agreement specifies that in any project-related analog or digital release during the timeframe of the scholarship, the funding by, the logo of and the name of Musicboard Berlin must be all be indicated. The relevant logo can be found under Forms and Templates. The preferred wording is »funded by Musicboard Berlin GmbH«.
By when do I have to implement my project and how much proof do I have to submit to the Musicboard?
The funded project must be completed within the funding year – in other words, the resources provided must be used by December 31. Proof of the use of the scholarships must be provided in the form of a factual report by March 31 of the following year. Please follow exclusively the template provided for this purpose. The report must not have any statements or receipts attached to it. All information is available to recipients in the scholarship contract.

Are you familiar with all information regarding the funding? If so, apply now!