Annual Report 2021

»We are looking back on a year that seems to have gone by faster than any other, yet was more exhausting and draining than most.« – Dr. Klaus Lederer, Senator for Culture and Europe in Berlin

The year 2021 was shaped by lockdown, holding out, waiting for the vaccine and hoping that the summer would bring big changes. For almost two years now, musicians, project makers, club and venue owners have been trying to combat the pandemic: Streaming, art, humour, concerts with smaller audiences and coming up with all kinds of new ways not to give up. The Musicboard has once again been trying to follow all of this, always offering support and an open ear for all related concerns.

Together with the Senate Department for Culture and Europe, the Musicboard could successively double the number of scholarships and give almost 100 musicians and band new prospects. In addition, the Musicboard supported 56 projects, festivals and platforms in the funding progammes Festival Funding, Pop im Kiez and Karrieresprungbrett Berlin, providing a stage for almost 700 acts in 368 individual events.

The Fête de la Musique has taken place live in the partner district Marzahn-Hellersdorf and online, seeing a huge jump in click numbers on its website on June 21. In late August, Pop-Kultur has sold out with 6,000 people over four days under a new curatorial team and the Tag der Clubkultur (»Day of Club Culture«), which was launched the previous year, could be realised again on October 3 by the Clubcommission in cooperation with the Musicboard and the Senate Department for Culture and Europe.

The Musicboard Berlin Annual Report 2021 provides a complete overview of all supported artists, music projects and festivals in the past year.

Annual Report 2021

Annual Report
Cover Annual Report 2021